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Oce Arizona Fuji Select 6 channel


3050mm x 2500mm bed size

Excellent condition

We are selling as we are buying a newer model so it is currently being used in production and will be manufacturing for us until we change it so you can visit and view it working, or we are happy to do a facetime call with it in production or send videos over.

All heads good and print head test can be sent over.

CMYK plus 2x white

18,894 sqm printed from new, which is a very low count for its age, we have only used it for our production purposes, we are not a trade supplier.

These machines were/ are £150,000 new.


2 computers - one for the machine, and one that has the RIP on it.

ONYX RIP included.


You must arrange for the machine to be decommissioned for the move, (I could put you in touch with engineers to do this) but it would be at your cost.

We have access to 1 fork lift truck , but you may need a second/ larger one to move it, but it is down to you to confirm this

All transportation costs are your responsibility.


We are on an industrial estate, and our premises are the typical high roof, front shutter unit.

Access is easy, we have plenty of space outside for the vehicle required to move it, with no parking restrictions.

The machine is located on the ground floor and can easily be removed through the shutter access.

On the day of the move you can have full access to the building to move it. 


Contact Details:

John Valentine


M: 07875 178 870

T: 01257 267 234

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Oce Arizona Fuji Select 6 channel

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